

06 March 2013

Platform Presence

So, the generous folks at Gateway Worship have created a helpful training video to help us learn now to have better presence while we lead worship.

Granted, it would be easy to dismiss this video as "wow, my church is nothing like that!" when you see the first few moments, but there are definitely things to learn from it. 

Here are a few questions from just the first two minutes.

What would it look like if each of us would always: Sing, Move, and Be Genuine?

How am I aware of the "Two Directions" dynamic in my worship leadership?

Where would you put yourself in the balance between "Congregational Engagement" and just "Worshiping the Lord"?

What would it look like for you to "Show forth" the praises of God? (1 Peter 2:9)

Do you really think that 50% is what the congregations "sees" and 50% is what they "hear"? If so, how does that change what you're doing on the platform?

How can we avoid being "closed off and distant" from the congregation?

How can you allow what God is doing on the inside be shown on the outside for others to see, while still being "yourself?"

How do you feel about the difference between the look of the team at 11:52 and 12:18?

As expected, the idea presented at 16:02 is complete garbage. Flip flops rule!

What else did you learn?

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