

31 December 2012

Growth Plan

You have talent, gifts, and the desire to improve. But you may not knowwhat to work on or how to work on it (call it a lack of systematic intentionality). I believe that having a growth plan will help you get where you want to be.

Why should I plan my growth? Why should I plan my team's growth? I believe that the gifts I have are not my own, I'm a steward of them. What does the Owner expect me to do with them? Manage them? Yes, but not just that. Manage them for increase. The story of the talents in Matthew 25:14-30 reminds me that I have been given something of weight (talent) that I am given according to my dynamis, my ability. (Interestingly, this is the same word used for the power (dynamis) of the Holy Spirit in Acts 1:8.) It isn't a question about how much I've been given or (even what effort I put forth), but what I actually do with it and Whose power brings it to life!
How do I know if the talent I've been given is increasing and not just leveled off? There's no way to know unless I know where I am today, and then compare "today me" to "future me." (comparing myself to anyone else almost always being pretty unhelpful, if not destructive...and certainly joy-sapping!)

Five areas for a well-rounded Growth Plan for Worship Ministry are:Musical Artistry, Spiritual Formation, Relational Integrity, Technical Excellence, and Leadership Ability. Take each area individually and think about where you are now and where you'd like to be by the end of the year. As dearly loved sons and daughters, we look to honor and glorify God as we serve. Bearing much fruit is one way to glorify Him (John 15:8). Our mission includes creating spaces where people can meet with God, so what we do should serve that end.
Aguas frescas
(the level of detail below isn't meant to overwhelm you, but rather to inspire your thinking)

Musical Artistry 

Step one: learn to play your instrument. Step two: learn to play the song. Step three: learn to play with a band. Step four: actually make music! What are the musical skills I want to work on?

Dynamics, tastefulness, styles, rhythm, timing, tempo, creating groove, memorization of music, listening, advance preparation before rehearsal, improvising, vocal harmony, vocal blend, vocal health, songwriting, strumming patters, picking patterns, sticking patterns, use of capos, keyboard textures, electric guitar tones and effects, instruments playing their musical roles, arrangements, musical transitions, prophesying with your instrument, learning a new instrument, tuning, key selection, sight-reading, musical notation, ear training, theory, personal practice time...

Spiritual Formation
Spiritual Formation wide
I like calling our journey toward spiritual maturity "spiritual formation" because of the great blueprint we have: "until Christ is formed in you" (NIV) or "until Christ's life becomes visible in your lives" (MSG). How do I want to grow spiritually?

Abiding in the Vine, personal devotions, spiritual sensitivity, prayer life, worship life, character, meditation, fasting, bible study, service, spontaneous worship, generosity, being the last one in the room to get angry, teachability...  

Relational Integrity
Relational Integrity
Relational health is obvious - you can tell when there is tension, and you can tell when people genuinely love being together. How do I want my relationships to improve?

Attitude, working out conflicts, anger, laziness, punctuality, openness, depth, listening, blessing, encouragement, follow through...

Technical Excellence
The Heart of Technical ExcellenceRemaining unnoticed during a service requires tremendous focus and wide knowledge. How do I want to grow in my technical understanding and ability?

Acoustics, EQ, gain structures, mixing, lighting, troubleshooting, miking, environmental projection, recording, visual worship leading, sound checks...

Leadership Ability 
The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership

John Maxwell's Law of the Lid states that "Leadership determines the level of effectiveness." My influence is limited by my ability to lead. How do I want to grow as a leader?

Influence, foresight, trust, respect, intuition, heart connection, empowerment, reproduction, vision, momentum, priorities, timing, authority, humility, song selection, increasing number of musicians, rehearsal leadership, worship leadership, segues/setups, connection to the service theme, generational inclusiveness, understanding worship history, worship values, worship theology, modeling growth, followership, activating others, stage presence...


Take time to think as well as listen to the Lord as you reflect on your own needs, your team's needs as a whole, and the needs of the individual people on your team. The Lord may pop a thought into your mind as you think. You can answer for yourself personally, your team members, or your team as a whole.

  1. What are the top 3-5 skills that you want to grow in?
  2. What are 2-3 strategies you may want to try to use to get there for each of the skills?
  3. What are some indicators that you can look for to know you're on the right track?
  4. What obstacles do you know about that will keep you from growing in these skills?
  5. What will it look like at the end of the year when you increase to the level you're hoping to?
Interact! Use the power of social pressure, I mean accountability, and take a moment share what you're going to work on. Or you can just email me and I'll help! :-D

10 December 2012

Texting to Heaven

I got a frantic call on Sunday at 9:11 AM from Jim who is a sound man at a church where I had just installed a digital sound board three days earlier. It wasn't working. At all.

I had been out of cell phone range so I didn't get it until after 10 AM. So I texted instructions to him, another tech, the pastor, and the worship leader that I'd been coordinating with through the installation.

No response from anyone.

Until 12:04 PM. The sound man called and we talked a bit about the crisis. Then he asked me if I'd heard about the other Crisis. I hadn't.

One of the people I'd texted had been in heaven for about 4 hours already. The worship leader.

Tasha hadn't been able to be at the installation on Thursday because she'd been sick for almost two weeks. She was so disappointed to not be there for the exciting moment when what she'd been working on and hoping for for months (years!) was complete.

I had been texting her updates and pics during the installation. She was giddy.

She had even been lending me tech support!

As the weight of the call from the sound tech sunk in, I looked on Facebook to try and find some communal grieving. This sequence from Tasha's wall sums it up:

We met at an EMM commissioning in July 2004. She invited me to speak at a training for the youth group worship band at her church that fall. I accepted, even though I was the backup, backup, backup, backup person to ask. We laughed. She apologized for asking me "so last minute" - the event was almost a month away. (she had no idea how I roll)

I worked with Tasha and the leaders at Mountville on and off for several years and she's always super helpful and accommodating. She's one of those leaders who is so teachable and hungry for knowledge.

And now, she's in the freest, happiest place in the world. But the transition was so quick and unexpected that I'm thunderstruck. Man, I just can't wrap my mind around what just happened! 

She was always unassuming, her email a fitting moniker: claypot33...we have this treasure in earthen vessels to show that this power is from God and not from us. Tasha, your legacy of faithful service, cheerful dedication, and love for people will live on!