

16 May 2011

Walking in the tension...Picking songs

I'd really love to hear your thoughts on this subject.  Answer the question in this little 2 minute video.



Ralph said...

I used to obsess over this, as if the future of the Kingdom rested on my ability to hear God for the perfect list; as if any repeats within the past month would cause the heavens to crumble. Finally God got through to me that He is totally able to make Himself heard. More importantly, He showed me that He wants our offering from our hearts more than anything we can construct with much worry and following of formulas. Just lead the people to Him as they are, as you are. He delights over us. Peace.

Unknown said...

Hey Ralph, thanks so much for sharing that! As I read where you wrote "the future of the Kingdom rested on my ability," I realized that I wasn't really worried about the Kingdom, I was worried about pleasing the pastor of the church, and by implication...me.

I read "Clear my name, God" from Psalm 26, and I realized that I had attached my name to the leading and that was one of the main reasons for feeling the pressure. I repeated that phrase over and over, letting God's forgiveness wash over me. Thanks for freedom, Lord!

Here's my prayer response...

"God, I take my name off of the leading for these next two Sundays. Forgive me for constructing my identity from my leading, my style, my creativity, my track record."

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this. Funnily enough one of the musos and i along with our pastor started talking about wether we have the old songs that the more mature folk in our church love or more current up beat songs for the new youth coming into our church. I think you should stay up to date and learn at least one new song every one-two months. have at least one old song in each service but i wouldn't have more then that. A place of familiarity is not a bad thing because realistically we all go there however to stay in a place of familiarity becomes boring and dull. I would say it's good to visit familiarity but not good to live there. Hope this helps. pray to Jesus ask for wisdom - Be still and know that he is God so he knows best - Ask your pastor what the theme for his preaching is and pick songs around that. God bless and loving the topic.!! Tee

Unknown said...

Thanks for your thoughts, Tee!

There are, no doubt, many helpful practical ideas to help with the mechanics of planning and leading. I realized that I was struggling with something "below the surface."

Watch for a post coming soon of how I got through!