

08 July 2011

Coaching Moment

This is new. This could be a game changer for you. It could be your punch-through to the next level. It could pull you back from the edge.

See, Ad Lib Music typically works with churches through Coaching Programs, 90-days of focus, designed to accomplish specific goals in a clearly articulated, strategic plan with accountability and commitment. Which is great.

What if you're just stuck in a project?
What if you're in a "bad loop" and can't get perspective on an issue?
What if you can't even identify what issue is troubling you?
What if you merely want suggestions on how to launch something?
What if you need to ask a question, but you just don't know who to ask?
What if you have something to get off your chest?
What if you simply want some fresh ideas?
What if you need a new set of eyes with an outside perspective?
What if you're just tired of tackling every challenge on your own?

Introducing: Coaching Moments! Sometimes you simply need a moment with someone who has walked the road you're walking...who can help bring fresh perspective, key insight, and isolation-eradicating support. A moment in time with a seasoned coach who will listen well, speak into your situation and life, and give you new energy to tackle your challenge can make all the difference.

So here's how we'll launch it. Be one of the first 5 people to sign up because we’re giving away the first 5 FREE! If you miss that deal, you can purchase one for only $150, and then simply tell one of your worship leader friends about it. Once they’ve purchased one, you get your second one free! Sweet, huh?

You might want to set up a few of these each year to sustain the health of your ministry. For this, we’re offering $50 off when you sign up for a year of quarterly Moments – that’s a year of Coaching Moments for only $550!

So let’s have a Moment! Reply to this email or call (717) 468-6428 and we'll set up a time to either meet face to face if you’re in Central Pennsylvania or over Skype if you’re…anywhere else in the world!

Listen to what one worship leader said after having a Coaching Moment:

“I came to my Coaching Moment feeling as though the nitty-gritty of life and leadership had blind-folded me and spun me around, leaving me quite dizzy and a little less certain I was moving in the right direction…it was a real pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey moment! Dave listened to me ramble, and brought fresh perspective and insight to the issues I've been struggling with. I left our meeting feeling encouraged in the right direction, able to see a little more clearly, and definitely less dizzy!” – Heather
